Juliet watson life is strange
Juliet watson life is strange

juliet watson life is strange

Max reprimands Juliet, saying that Kate was not like what Juliet described. When Max asks why, Juliet mentions the video is hilarious and calls Kate "Church Girl Gone Wild". When Max approaches Juliet and Brooke, Juliet asks if Max has seen "Kate's hot new video". Hesitantly, Juliet tells Brooke that they shouldn't be watching the video, but Brooke argues that everyone has seen the video at this point. Brooke state she didn't think Kate "was like that". Juliet expresses disgust in the video and comments she was relieved she "blew off" the Vortex Club. The following day, Juliet outside speaking with Brooke Scott while watching a video of an intoxicated Kate Marsh from the katesvid link on her cell phone. Juliet goes on to laugh sarcastically at the "joke" implying that she doesn't believe him. When Max asks if she's talked to Zachery yet Juliet says that Zachary told her he sexted Victoria as a joke.

juliet watson life is strange

It turns out that Victoria was the one who was sexting Zachary.

juliet watson life is strange

Later when Max goes to the parking lot Juliet is seen sitting on the curb upset. Once Juliet sees this she apologizes to Dana and promises to make it up to her by buying her dinner and doing her laundry. In order to get Juliet to leave, Max proves Victoria played a trick on her by showing her an email to her friend Taylor Christensen found on Victoria's laptop in her room. She claims Victoria Chase told her that Dana was sexting her boyfriend Zachary. If Max is correct Juliet goes on to explain why she is mad at Dana.

juliet watson life is strange

When Max asks her why Juliet asks Max if she even knows what her name is. When Max Caulfield goes to get Warren Graham's flash drive from Dana Ward's room Juliet is seen trapping Dana in her room. Thinking highly of her skills, Juliet's sign in the Prescott Dormitory reads "Juliet: X-treme Reporter". Juliet is a writer for Blackwell Academy's school newspaper, The Blackwell Totem.

Juliet watson life is strange