Each of these two major population centers and food-producing regions are located on flat plains that are highly susceptible to both invasion from outside powers and power contests between local political communities. The Trident River passes through the Riverlands and is formed by three major tributaries: the Green Fork, the Blue Fork and the Red Fork. The Mander River flows through the Reach. The Reach and the Riverlands are the most densely populated and agriculturally fertile regions of the realm, but also its most indefensible. But as a geographic entity, it is part of the Stormlands, though power over the Crownlands often changes hands. The Crownlands, shown on the map below, is technically a constituent region. It has eight distinct geographical regions: the Reach, the Riverlands, the Stormlands, Dorne, the Westerlands, the Vale of Arryn, the North (which includes the Gift) and the Iron Islands. Westeros is a large landmass, roughly the size of South America or triple size of Great Britain. This piece applies GPF’s methodology to the Game of Thrones universe and makes predictions about what the year holds in store for the upcoming seventh season of the show. Martin and the hit HBO series it has spawned. While not a large realm by any stretch, it is a place of great importance to the Seven Kingdoms and one with many great and powerful families.On this auspicious April Fools’ Day, Geopolitical Futures presents a net assessment of Westeros, the fictional world at the center of the novels written by George R. The lands extend as far north as the Neck, at the source of the Green Fork, south to the Gods Eye, west to the Tumblestone and the Red Fork, and east up to the kingsroad. The riverlands encompass a small region of plains, forests, hills, and endless rivers.